Published by O’Reilly Media

Our modular, hands-on lessons are written for secondary and post-secondary classrooms and laboratories. This book also serves as an introduction to the field for science and engineering enthusiasts.



Distributed by Carolina Biological Supply Company

BioBuilder’s unique labs using the natural world to engineer and learn science, and connect real-world questions in agriculture, medicine, biofuels, and environmental remediation with classroom content. Ready-to-teach kits and instructions enhance existing science curricula and spark critical thinking through authentic investigations.

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View past BioBuilderClub projects

Tastier foods. Sustainable fuels. Diagnostics and treatments for better health. Improvements to our local and global environment. These are some of the challenges that BioBuilders around the world have taken on! Watch their talks, look over their posters, read their publications here.



Download the digital kits

Developed with BioBuilder’s technical support and collaboration, these kits provide conversation starters and introductory activities to engage diverse public audiences in multi-directional conversations. The Museum of Science in Boston led this NSF funded project for public engagement with synthetic biology.