A podcast series that explores BioBuilder’s impact on the careers of our guests
Season 5 Episode 1: Yifei Greg Wu
Greg is a senior at Emory University with plans to enter the Biomedical Engineering PhD program at Boston University this fall
Season 4 Episode 6: The BioBuilder Podcast: Daniel Kemp
Daniel teaches BioBuilder at Hamden Hall in Connecticut
Season 4 Episode 5: Nicolas Rojas Taborda
Nico was a BioBuilder Apprenticeship who interned at Boston University and lead a HS iGEM team
Season 4 Episode 4: The BioBuilder Podcast: Nathan Kirokwa
Nathan joined BioBuilder’s Summer Research Program as a high school junior and is now an intern at Conduit
Season 4 Episode 3: Vanessa Murati
Vanessa is a BioTechBuilder Apprentice interning at Dana Farber this summer
Season 4 Episode 2: Hana Shinzawa
Hana is a BioBuilderClub student heading to MIT next year
Season 4 Episode 1: Billy Carrier
Billy is integrating BioBuilder into BioSTEM at Volunteer HS in Tennessee
Season 3 Episode 6: Susana Donkor
Susana was a BioBuilder Apprentice in high school and is now an associate scientist at Aurion Biotech
Season 3 Episode 5: Tara Peterson
Tara was a BioBuilder Apprentice in high school and is now a research scientist at Novartis
Season 3 Episode 4: Yesenia Collins
Yesenia led a BioBuilderClub at Tyngsborough HS and is now a Georgia Tech freshman
Season 3 Episode 3: Amanda Blackburn and Evie LaFollette
Amanda and Evie teach biology at Dobyns-Bennett High School in Kingsport, Tennessee
Season 3 Episode 2: Rachael Smyers
Rachael is a former Apprentice, Indigo Ag intern, now at UMass Lowell
Season 3 Episode 1: Lyle Musesengwa
Lyle is a sophomore at Dobyns-Bennet High School in Kingsport, TN
Season 2 Episode 12: Jacob Lei
Jacob is a bioengineering undergrad at Rice University
Season 2 Episode 11: Presley Simelus
Presley is an 11th grader at Prospect Hill Academy Charter School and a BioBuilder Student Ambassador
Season 2 Episode 10: Jo-Anne Purdy
Jo-Anne is a teacher at Westborough High School
Season 2 Episode 9: Veni Dole
Veni is a student at Columbia University and a former BioBuilderClub student
Season 2 Episode 8: Geneva Fischer
Geneva is a sophomore at Northeastern University and a BioBuilder Summer intern
Season 2 Episode 7: Dave Westenberg
Dave is a Professor of Biological Sciences at Missouri University of Science and Technology
Season 2 Episode 6: Rebekah Ravgiala
Rebekah is a teacher at Tyngsborough High School and BioBuilder Board Member
Season 2 Episode 5: Oscar Jimenez
Oscar is a biology major at the University of Massachusetts – Lowell
Season 2 Episode 4: Nancy Otaluka
Nancy is a former BioBuilder Apprentice and now a research assistant at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston
Season 2 Episode 3: Chris Kuffner
Chris is a bioengineering PhD student at Boston University
Season 2 Episode 2: Jenny Nemlekar
Jenny is a creative who runs her own business. She helped design and develop the first BioBuilder website
Season 1 Episode 2: Karen Ingram
Karen is a creative director, designer, and artist who uses her skill set to promote scientific awareness
Season 1 Episode 12: Angela Girodier
Angela is a Senior at Emmanuel College majoring in biology and secondary education. She is a 2017 alum of BioBuilder’s Apprenticeship
Season 1 Episode 11: Rebecca Millman
Rebecca helps global companies solve critical strategy and marketing problems
Season 1 Episode 10: Karen Katz
Karen is a legal and healthcare executive, entrepreneur, and business development leader
Season 1 Episode 9: Amin Hajimorad
Amin is an electrical engineer and an associate professor at California State University Chico
Season 1 Episode 8: Kevin Fuentes
Kevin is a BioBuilder Apprentice and a first generation Salvadoran-American. He is now studying chemical engineering and biochemistry at Tufts University
Season 1 Episode 7: Lindsey L’Ecuyer
Lindsey is an award winning biotechnology teacher at Andover High School near Boston who leads a groundbreaking BioBuilderClub
David has championed synbio teaching at SUIS, to international recognition through iGEM
Season 1 Episode 6: Viggy Vanchi
Viggy just graduated from Westborough High School. This fall he will study Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University
Season 1 Episode 5: Michael Sheets
After learning about synthetic biology as a high school student, Michael earned a bioE undergrad degree and is now pursuing his PhD in the field
Season 1 Episode 4: Jude Clapper
Jude teaches with BioBuilder at the Taipei American School, leading their high school iGEM team to multiple championships
Season 1 Episode 3: Katie Hart
Katie is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Williams College whose interest in teaching and science communication led her to BioBuilder
Welcome to the BioBuilder Podcast
Meet our host, Zeeshan Siddiqui
Season 1 Episode 1: Julie Legault
Julie is the founder of Amino Bio. She discusses her entrepreneurial path and the challenges she sees in global education
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