We’re wrapping up 2024 with ribbons and bows!

It’s the time of year when many people reflect back on the previous 12 months to see where they’ve been and what they’ve been doing. Here’s your chance to tag along on BioBuilder’s year-end reflection.

By the Numbers

What would a 12-month review be with some stats, right?!?

BioBuilder also celebrated its 13th birthday in November 2024! A lot has happened since Dr. Natalie Kuldell founded BioBuilder, but its mission remains unchanged:

BioBuilder is dedicated to helping students access tools and programs that unlock their potential as life science innovators, acquire skills to be able to build with biology, and invent biotechnologies that can make the world better.”

Between 2011 and 2024, BioBuilder’s impact includes:

  • 65,000 students learning
  • 600 educators trained
  • in 49 U.S. states and 66 countries

Now let’s look at how these stats translate into positive impacts for students, teachers, and BioBuilder supporters.


The impact that BioBuilder has in students’ lives is best heard in their own words.

Angel Muthemba found confidence when she entered the BioBuilder program, the youngest in the cohort, and never having taken chemistry before. BioBuilder is where she built confidence, remarking “I felt a sense of purpose.” It was more than the curriculum that inspired her to strive in science; it was Dr. Kuldell herself. “Natalie had such confidence in me and helped me know my worth,” said Angel.”

In the spring of 2024, Angel graduated from Emmanual College with her B.S. in neuroscience and data analytics. She is now studying for her Master’s degree in nanomedicine at Northeastern University.

“The skills I learned through BioBuilder are versatile. I can apply them to so many things I am doing. When I walk into a lab, I know what to do because of BioBuilder.”

A transformation began in Nicolas Rojas Toborda the first day he donned a white BioBuilder lab coat. “It took me a long time to think of myself as a scientist,” says Nico, “ and it was BioBuilder that started it.” In 2024, he took his BioBuilder skills to the international stage with the first Boston area high school team to participate in the iGEM worldwide synthetic biology competition.

BioBuilder sees the potential for transformation like this in every student that crosses their path. As Dr. Kuldell describes it:

Building a science identity is one of the most powerful gifts we can offer students. By inspiring them to go beyond book learning – to grow into creative thinkers and problem solvers using that knowledge – is how the team at BioBuilder is empowering our next generation of scientists.”


As student interest in biotechnology grows, so does the need for more BioBuilder-trained teachers. More BioBuilder teachers means more students enrolling. (Rinse and repeat!)

To meet this growing need, BioBuilder added six new teaching fellows in 2024 to bring more professional development opportunities to teachers interested in bringing biotech to their schools.

In 2024, BioBuilder held two 2-week summer workshops that included classroom and laboratory activities accessible through an online platform. BioBuilder also let in person teacher training, reaching educators participating in a teacher workshop sponsored by the U.S. Army DEVCOM Soldier Center as well as a cohort of teachers from Fredericksburg, VA where synthetic biology is included in the state’s teaching standards.

2024 was the year when teachers began being trained on the new BioTechBuilder curriculum. The first training session was at the Northeast Tennessee STEM Innovation Hub with more locations and dates to come in 2025!

There is opportunity right in front of us…BioBuilder is helping us prepare students for jobs right out of high school.”- William ‘Billy’ Carrier, Science Teacher at Volunteer High School in Churchill, Tennessee


BioBuilder was honored to receive several awards and other recognition in 2024. Here are a few of the highlights.

BioTechBuilder won the 2024 Educators Pick Best of STEM award as the Champion for Career and Technical Education.

BioTechBuilder has truly set a new standard in biotechnology education with its hands-on curriculum focused on skill-building, perfectly aligned with the needs of the biotech industry.”- Lance Bard, Best of STEM Awards judge

The BostInno Fire Awards recognize companies, organizations, or individuals who have had a major impact on the Boston startup ecosystem. In 2024, BioBuilder was honored in the Ecosystem Supporter category, (because as they say, “There would be no Boston startup ecosystem without these community leaders.”). 

The U.S. National Security Commission on Emerging Biotechnology recognized BioBuilder as one of the organizations that is helping to drive bio-literacy and expand access to biology education, tools, and resources for the public, students, and workers.

BioBuilder is able to do this important work thanks to our generous partners and supporters. In addition to our Strategic, Lead, and Sustaining partners listed below, we are thankful to every individual, family, and organization for all you did in 2024 to help us help students, teachers, and the bioeconomy!

BioBuilder inspires the next generation of life scientists to pursue meaningful careers and create innovative biotechnology solutions to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

As we reach the end of 2024, please consider BioBuilder among your charitable giving, and sign up to stay up to date for all we have in store for 2025!

Device Dude

Three cheers for our apprentices!

On December 14th, 16 students celebrated their completion of the BioBuilder High School Apprenticeship Challenge program. For the first time, the new BioTechBuilder curriculum was used to guide the apprentices through the knowledge, lab skills, and professional skills that will enhance their future careers and education.

The apprentices worked hard over the course of 10 weeks by:

  • Participating in online lectures and interactive discussions
  • Learning and practicing hands-on laboratory techniques while working with their fellow students on a professional level
  • Gaining professional skills such as collaboration, written and oral communication, and responsibility.

As the program progressed, the instructors were impressed with how quickly the students became familiar with lab skills and techniques that are commonly used in biotechnology.

By the end of the 10 weeks, all of the students were able to work independently in the lab. More than 90% of the students said they were confident they could work at a lab bench, use a micropipette, conduct other critical lab skills, keep a lab notebook, and follow an SOP after going through the program. Now that’s success in action!

When December 14th rolled around, they were excited to earn their certificates and celebrate their accomplishments.

Congratulations to each graduate Apprentice. We know you’ll go far!