I say, people should spend 50% of their time out of their comfort zone. So you have to have a section of your job that you do really well and you're comfortable in, but the rest you should be learning something different."

Kerry Black  is Head of Early Solutions, US Operations for UCB

On January 24th 2022, we talked with Kerry Black who highlighted the various ways a career in science can impact the lives of patients. She works at UCB, a global biopharm company with the tagline: Inspired by Patients. Driven by Science.

Kerry herself has held many roles in biotech, starting at the bench to her current role in operations. Kerry describes her role as broad-based, literally doing anything that needs to be done to run a company or help people who work in the lab. She knows that building a strong and passionate team with diverse skills, experiences and expertise will result in positive impacts for patient care.

Her advice to those interviewing is to love what you do, to show commitment, to get involved in your community, to gain a variety of experiences, and to interview the company you’d like to work for, as much as they interview you.

And to enjoy your life!